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Sep 28

Written by:
9/28/2008 6:38 AM  RssIcon

Have you ever had a dream? A dream so strong it consumed you day and night, preventing you from focusing on anything else? I do. I will sail around the world.

I am Lee Winters. I am not rich. I have not been sailing long. Mostly, I am just like you. My only exceptional feat is in turning my dream into a reality. You''ve found my site, www.Sailing4SOS.com where I can bring you on this journey with me.

The clock is ticking. Hurricanes are blowing. November is the time to leave. The day I set sail for Panama this site will come to life. Until then, you can follow my preparations at http://leewinters.blogspot.com. There is work to be done. Will you help?

Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

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